Important Message

Service Update – Weather Impact on Freight Routes

Heavy rainfall in the Western Queensland area has caused the closure of several main highways inbound to Darwin.

We’ve invoked a contingency plan that is diverting freight movements through Adelaide while the Queensland highways remain closed. This is expected to add an extra day to the transit time for freight movements from Brisbane and Sydney, but there will be no change to the transit time from Melbourne and Adelaide.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will be provide further updates as conditions change.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Online Invoicing & Billing

When you set up an account with Allied, you can opt for online invoicing.

With this option, you are alerted via e-mail when your invoice is ready to view.

You simply click on the hyperlink in the email to go straight to your on-line account, enter your username and password to log in and you’re ready to enjoy the benefits of Allied’s on-line account service.

Everything you need to effectively manage your transport costs is right there at your fingertips.

Your current account, as well as an individual ‘library’ of the previous 13 week’s invoices, is accessible and can be searched, broken down and exported as Excel spreadsheets by whatever column headings you’ve determined.

For example, these might be – internal cost centre, state office, priority level, customer account number, etc.

We work with you at the outset to structure your invoicing to deliver the most effective accountability for your company.

You can also verify information on individual deliveries via the “Proof of Delivery” (POD) link which allows you to obtain name and delivery time for courier and taxi-trucks, or sight the actual receipt document for a delivery complete with recipient’s name and signature for express overnight freight.

Should you need clarification of a particular entry, just click on the e-mail link to be put in direct contact with your credit support officer.

We will work hand-in-hand with you from the outset to deliver highly functional accounting outcomes for your business.

And even though the array of tools available to us is extensive, the result comes down to a single point – dealing with Allied delivers a flexibility in billing and invoicing that allows you to monitor and control your transport costs better than ever before.